Social Work and the Law

By Brittany Glenn, Associate Therapist

There is an excellent interception between law and social work. First, attorneys and social workers interact with people from different backgrounds every day as they perform their daily duties. Even though attorneys and social workers possess similar education skills, they are not addressed in legal education. They also help create plans that enable the clients to keep clients out of the judicial system. Therefore, many law schools offer degree programs that embrace both law and social work. The degree programs and other educational programs given to social workers and lawyers equip them with similar skills that enable them to work together efficiently. They also help them cooperate and collaborate to ensure that they meet the clients’ needs.

Discussion of the issue collaboration among lawyers and social workers

Common Law | Mental Health Issues | Collaboration Between Lawyers and Social Workers

Importance of Collaboration Between Lawyers and Social Workers

Collaboration is an important aspect in all the fields rather than the legal system. For instance, the collaboration between nurses and physicians improves the outcome, safety, and quality of healthcare services provided. Similarly, the collaboration between lawyers and social workers ensures that the judicial system provides effective services to its citizens. One of the importance of collaboration between social workers and lawyers is that it enhances greater knowledge since individuals from different parties can bring together their different abilities and expertise. Results from previous research studies indicate that people who work collaboratively are more knowledgeable than those who don’t. At the same time, legal duties related to lawyers and social workers are challenging hence calling for more knowledgeable people.

Greater knowledge ensures that the parties’ problems are solved from all angles, and no blind spot in creating when solving the problem. An opportunity for innovation is created if professionals collaborate. Secondly, a collaboration between lawyers and social workers upholds shared responsibility since social work is challenging work. Individuals can’t burn out if professionals can help each other in terms of chores and responsibility. Client satisfaction is often upheld by shared responsibility since it provides a large support system that benefits the clients. Another importance of collaboration between lawyers and social workers is that it ensures that a positive collaboration and participation is enhanced between clients such as those accused of drug possession and lawyers. Collaboration makes it possible for lawyers to understand the importance of understanding that clients are also human beings who should be treated with respect and ethics. The same is only achieved if social workers are given a chance to work closely with lawyers to ensure they educate each other. Working closely implies that they can interact and communicate, which provides a forum for the two professionals to interchange each other.

Collaboration is an important factor in the legal system since it ensures that the relevant skills that lawyers do not possess, such as human interaction, are transferred. Human interaction is an important skill that every person should possess since it helps people relate peacefully and appropriately. For this reason, lawyers should also possess various skills that enable them to interact properly with their clients, especially those who are mentally ill like drug users. The same is because such clients are also human beings who are subject to emotions. Also, lawyers possess other skills that social workers do not have, allowing for mutual interaction between them. Furthermore, collaboration ensures that the clients’ needs are served appropriately to ensure that the services provided are appropriate.